Monday, August 5, 2013

UT Prof seeks those with pre-college recovery experience

Dr. Lori Holleran Steiker has been a huge supporter of CSR from the get-go. That, and her very popular undergraduate courses (including her Signature Course "Young People and Drugs") make her a familiar face around the Center. Now is your chance to help her out! She is seeking students with pre-college (so, high school age or earlier) experience with recovery. Check out her message below, and please contact her if you'd like to get involved!

Did you have the unique experience of coming to CSR from another recovery community, Alternative Peer Group, Recovery High School, or other recovery-based program?  As you know, I am a professor in the School of Social Work and a Researcher in the area of Adolescent and Emerging Adults with regard to Addiction, Treatment, Interventions and Recovery.  I am hoping to get a few of you to share your experience, strength and hope with regard to these foundations for a manuscript and presentation that a group of professionals are putting together.  If you would like to participate, read on . . . Ivana and I are the Co-Editors of a Special Edition of the Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions on the topic of College Students and Addiction/Recovery. We are writing an article about the various recovery settings that have served as foundations for young people in recovery going off to college (e.g., Recovery High School, APGs, Treatment, etc.)  I have the support and participation of Directors of PDAP, Teen & Family, Cornerstone, Lifeway, & Choices as well as Archway Academy.  Also, serendipitously, the 15th Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting to be held at the Hilton Austin Hotel in Texas.  For this conference, we are likely going to present the Houston Continuum of Care which Austin is modeling after for young adult treatment and recovery communities, which hopefully will help young people in recovery easily make the transition to CSRs when they go off to college (I know that at least a few of you started your recoveries in Houston . . . )  If any and all of this makes you say, “She’s talking about ME!” please let me know and we’ll get you involved immediately.  My email address is